#ill sad boy and hyper cheeky boy
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mikeyyyyy030 · 7 months ago
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I don't even make that much of ocs (I mostly just draw my mutual's ones) but tbh? I'm a proud single father, bear with it.
NAME: Giovanni Hamato (current name)
AGE: 15 (estimated)
GENDER: Male (he/him)
SEXUALITY: undefined 
SPECIES: Albino heosemys spinosa (old species)
DISABILITIES/FLAWS: Speech problems, attachment issues , zero social ability, issues with his balance, struggles with following orders (but can be pretty creative at finding solutions), probably ate cement as a normal turtle and liked it.
Due to a defective variant of the mutagen (created from the blood of S-gray Alien clones), a small pet turtle was incorrectly transformed into a hideous mutant—although, incredibly, the turtle had not ended up like the other mutants. transformed by that variant of the mutagen...the turtle was conscious.
The people who had created the variant had decided to take the creature, seeing a certain potential in it so they could use it as their weapon—their weapon to protect the earth.
...Although well, before even finding him, the creature had already slipped away to the countless alleys of New York, thus losing his trail.
Slowly, the turtle began to develop cognitive abilities almost equal to that of a human, making it capable of hiding in the shadows, stealing—or hunting—its food, without being seen. His animalistic appearance began to change over time, too, making him more and more humanoid, even being able to copy people's sounds!
After a year, the mutant thought he had everything under control, only having to hide from people, without any interaction with anyone—ignoring the countless times he tried to talk to rats—even though the turtle did not know what his purpose was. or why it seemed like everything around him seemed like an illusion, he didn't care! He was happy!
...Well, at least that's what I thought before seeing creatures just like him jumping across the rooftops.
Long story short, bad mutagen made for the goberment mutated poor exotic turtle and fucked his life up (he ain't passing his 40's im telling ya now, if he doesn't kill himself the unstable mutagen is going to), boy learned how to survive and kinda got fucked over by people (*cough* purple dragons *cough*), and as seeing someone the same as him (a mutant) he became obssesed with them, the Hamato family...
And yes, the turtles freaked out. And throwed hands at Gigi.
My poor baby.
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abdlgossipblogg · 3 months ago
Unfollowed baby boys across platforms and the discomfort/ick i had for abdl is gone. For years I’ve enthusiastically stayed up to date on everything happening in the community and followed thousands of people. It made me genuinely happy to tap onto someone’s story and get a peek into their little life, but for the past two years I have the nature of this community..mostly what I’m realizing is influenced by male incles who are diaper obsessed. I’m a ex little and ddlg themes tend to trigger me, really hard be sure I have no interests in daddy doms anymore and I genuinely think there is only a few out there who genuinely care about caregiving and not using girls as a sex object. But I’ll take the ddlg and subtle wet/ messy photos and suggestive captios over the gross explicit photos men take. It literally ruins my day and I’m sure fucks with my perception of abdl anytime I see it. The nature of men’s photos are so bizarre when you actually think about the psychology of it all or what’s behind the scenes.. nothing other than hyper-sexual thoughts and wanting someone to join or encourage their masturbation. It’s really sad their motivation to post, more often than not, is to show off a picture of their distasteful diaper boners and how horny they are. Or getting off to the fact of exposing himself..It’s never EVER for cuteness. And somehow they actually believe with these photos they’re going to fish out the classy loving mommy of their dreams. If you’re gonna be gross atleast wear a cute outfit and make your background look cute and baby ffs. I don’t want to see you dwelling in a basement or weird dark room. The flash photos in dark spaces give me such a sinister vibe and it’s a tale sign something is off. A lot of you are in bed laying on their back, looking like they’re about to flick your stick right after your photo. So fucking lazy and gross. And the cheeky comments and vulgar language they use under other women’s photos is so distasteful and it drives me fucking nuts. then using the photo to publicly comment on how horny you are for thousands of people to see bc you get off to it but not paying women a single cent is so fucked up. I’m so sad this is the group of men I’m attracted to and have no choice to not be. They’re parasites. I know some girls would not have any genuine interest to go outside and show of their diaper, mess, or share very intimate details about themselves if it wasn’t for men encouraging them to for likes or validation (I’m talking about girls who do not sell content) I know a lot of these men know girls got bullied in school, have BPD, or some form of mental illness and try to play on that. Encouraging them to do what they want for their satisfaction. ! Especially a lot of the young girls! I was one of them. then you mature and realize you’re worthy and never needed their approval but it’s far too late and creeps are uploading old clips and instagram story bits on thisvid. All content is hyper sexual fantasy content these days, it’s ever rare i see someone being chill about this and enjoying this. I enjoy dark age play and all of that content, and I am also a sex worker, so don’t think I’m being conservative or gross. this is a kink community I understand that, but idk in the past few years it seems like everyone is on 100 at all times. And people are competing for who can share the most private parts about their life and be the most vulgar/ vulnerable. Idk. Long rant but I just want to see if anyone agrees. I’m happy with my timeline now and I hope women in this community continue to thrive and prosper. You all are so amazing and if it wasn’t for you this community would be some hell-site filled with boner pics and unattractive nasty freaks.
I mean I get that some men can be icky, but I don’t agree that it’s all abdl men. It sounds like you have some trauma surrounding this and if that’s the case I’m sorry.
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peachymilkis · 7 years ago
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- fluff with the tiniest teeny tinest amount of angst
- roughly 2.5K words
-pls enjoy
this is my first one and im starting with ma boy jin cuz im going in age order
pls don’t judge me im new to bullet scenarios
anyway lets get on with it
okay so basically kim seokjin was a star gryffindor whilst he was in hogwarts
perfect grades
head prefect
everyone loved him
and he loved his school
he was always interested in nursing
mostly because his six best friends always ended up in madam pomfreys hospital wing thanks to their rambunctious adventures
so after graduating and two years of training seokjin went on to become a nurse at hogwarts
madam pomfrey absolutely adored him
one day after tending to a first year ravenclaw had accidentally fallen off of their broom and sprained their ankle madam pomfrey called seokjin to her office
“is something the matter?” the young man asked the head nurse in a questioning tone
He was rarely ever called to her office so he became worried if he had accidentally done something wrong
“you know, my dear boy, im just getting too old for this job. i think its time for me to retire.”
seokjins facial features visibly sulked
“no what do you mean? whos gonna be head nurse now? nobodys better than you! youre the best nurse in all of wizarding history you cant just leave!”
poor boy pleaded with his heart
madam pomfrey had become like a mother to him so it did make her sad to leave but the poor thing was too tired to go on
“actually that’s what I want to talk to you about. I really would like it if you became the head nurse”
ma boys jaw dropped to the floor
“me? head nurse?”
“yes you!”
and like that seokjin was appointed as the new head nurse of hogwarts
news spread like a wildfire all over the school
of course how could it not spread when every student was head over heels with the beautiful wizard
so much so that students would feign injuries just for the chance to be up close and personal with him
now this is where you come in
you were in your final year at hogwarts
ready to graduate and get out of there to get on with your life
obviously you too have heard of the ethereal nurse and the news of him becoming head nurse
you were only two years younger than him so you had had him in a few of your classes when he was still a student himself
you seldom spoke with im but you spoke with him enough to know how naturally flirty he is without even trying
when you two were paired he would always manage to send you a wink or blow you a kiss
you always thought he was weird but that may or may not have been you denying the fluttering of your heart every time he did that
then again you saw it do it to his friends all the time so you quickly got rid of any feelings you may have felt for him
when he graduated you thought that you finally wouldn’t have to deal with seeing with him
even though it did make you a little sad to see him go
but HA you were so wrong
you would sometimes catch him in the hallways
one time he looked back at you and you could’ve sworn he sent you a little eye wink
you quickly walked away and dismissed the thought
one day your in the great hall eating breakfast with you best friend
fifth year ravenclaw jeon jungkook
he also happened to be one of the six best friends of kim seokjin that were earlier mentioned
“i swear i thought he winked at me earlier but its so absurd so im sure im seeing things now.”
you exclaimed to the ravenclaw
he looked at you with this knowing look that you were completely oblivious to
“who knows y/n maybe he likes you or something”
you felt a blush creeping up your neck
“yea right. even if he did wink at me, he winks and blows kisses at other people all the time.”
you scoffed
theres no way he would ever have feelings for you
but the thought still lingered in your mind
Jungkook managed to notice the blush creeping onto your cheeks and smirked
your best friend may or may not have started plotting something
a few days later whilst you and jungkook were walking to lunch
two oddly cheery six years named park jimin and kin taehyung ran towards you two
“y/n jungkook we have to visit hagrid right now!”
jimin grabbed onto your arm and like that all of you ran off to visit hagrids little hut
you were confused but knew better to question the hyper boys who also happened to be your best friends
taehyung knocked hard on hagrids door until hagrid finally opened it
“ey slow down there buddy.”
“hagrid we heard you got a pet dragon!” the hyper hufflepuff yelled
hagrid quickly shushed him and pushed us all inside his hut
“who now told you? it was meant to be a secret!”
“i found out actually! i caught you at diagon alley
said jimin the proud slytherin
hagrid let out of sigh of relief
“at least it was only you who saw.”
“can we see him!?” jungkook asked excitedly
“oh why not?”
hagrid gave in after seeing four puppy faces staring back at him with hope in their eyes
he took out his baby pet dragon
you reached out to pet it but guess what
he got scared and bit you
you yelped and brought your pointer finger to your chest
you looked at the bite mark
“y/n are you okay!?”
“oh no what do we do!?”
“bad Herbert!”
the voices started fading away
oh no youre fainting
well fuck
everything went black
now back to ma boy seokjin
he was having a pretty calm day
no one was in the hospital wing at the moment
but then all of a sudden in come running three male students along with a hagrid and a girl in his arms
“jin hyung we need help ASAP!”
“hyung y/n fainted after being bitten by a baby dragon!”
at the sound of your named jin quickly got to work
“lay her down here ill take care of the rest.”
you pushed everyone out of the hospital wing and focused on getting you all better
a few hours later you opened your eyes
you looked around and realized you were in the hospital wing
you remembered what happened before fainting
“damn Herbert.” you muttered to yourself
you heard a chuckle causing you to jump out of shock
you looked over and realized that you were not alone in the room
jin had actually been sitting on the chair beside the bed
no he hadn’t been watching you while you were sleeping
that would be totally preposterous
lmao he was totally watching you
for a good hour
not in a creepy way tho
your cheeks reddened when you realized how close he was so you quickly sat up
“are you feeling better y/n?”
you nodded still not making eye contact with him
“yeah kind of. my finger still really hurts though.”
jin nodded and got up from his seat
“well the good news is that i managed to get the venom out of your finger. the bad news is you cant do anything with that hand and i have to make sure its all good so you have to stay here for at least three days to recover.”
“what!? three days!?”
theres no way you would survive being alone with jin for the next three days
may i also include that it is friday and those days there are rarely any students that come for injuries
jin laughed this weird windshield wiper laugh that you found oddly cute
“is it that bad spending three days with me?”
“no its just.. you know, it’s the weekend and all..”
you quickly made up a lie
“don’t worry y/n. i will make the next three days as fun as possible for you.”
he gave you this smile with a cheeky little wink that had your heart pounding against you chest
oh lord were you in for a treat
day 1
you were awoken to an entire cart of candy beside you
“mister kim what is all this?”
“ew mister kim sounds weird just call me jin.”
“but anyway. these candies were sent to you from jimin, taehyung, jungkook, and me!”
a big UWU
you smiled happily and excitedly
“aw my best friends are so swee- wait you too?”
jin chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck
damn he looked good
wait what
“well yea, theyre my best friends too so basically that makes us best friends by assotciation!”
another big UWU
your cheeks reddened and you let out a shy smile
“well thank you.”
jins nervous smile quickly transformed into a relieved smile and he started walking away
you don’t know what came over you but
“would you like to join me? these are too many for me to eat on my own and i don’t really like eating by myself. i could use the company.”
you stared at him hopeful
his heart started pounding with delight
“yes of course!”
and basically the rest of the day was spent with you two talking and getting to know each other and eating all the delicious and mysterious snacks that were gifted to you
day 2
jin had woken up extra early with a happier smile and a skip to his step
he walked into the hospital wing and saw you still fast asleep
he walked over to you and brought the blanket over your shoulder as it was a little chillier today
he watched over you for another few minutes with a fond smile on his face before getting back to work
you had been awake for a bit before jin walked in but you freaked out so you pretended to be asleep
so basically you witnessed what happened
your face was so red it’s a surprise jin didn’t notice lol
you wondered throughout the day why your evil best friends hadn’t even bothered to visit you
you definitely didn’t start planning a kill list
later that day you really needed to pee so you got up to go to the bathroom
you started turning the corner when
smack dab into jins chest
his first reaction was to gab you before you fell back
so basically you were against his chest with his strong arms holding you tightly to his body
you both stayed like that for a few seconds before you both made eye contact
quickly you both jumped back and started coughing awkwardly and looking anywhere but at each other
“i uh, gotta pee bye!”
you ran to the bathroom faster than a snitch
you slammed your back against the stall door and clutched onto your chest where your heart is
jin stayed still as a rock after you ran off
his face was stuck with the biggest grin that not even any medicine or potion could wipe off
he could still feel your body against his
you could still feel his body wrapped around yours
it felt right
obviously you pushed your feelings back
you fervently avoided jin for the rest of the day
it wasn’t easy but you managed
jin on the other hand wanted to talk to you so badly
he realized he would give you your space though
neither of you could sleep that night
day 3
jin managed to get a good three hours of sleep that night
he would’ve slept in lowkey if he wasn’t determined to talk to you
you on the other hand ended up falling asleep at around 7 in the morning
jin practically ran into the hospital wing at 8 in the morning to find you still sleeping
you ended up sleeping until 3 in the afternoon
you were awoken by jin when he was checking in on your finger
immediately you sat up
you looked up at jin and immediately regretted it
both of you froze again
jin looking down at you with his hand around your tiny wrist
you, sat up on the bed staring into his eyes that were basically traps
your faces were mere inches apart
the way he said that had chills running down your spine
it was just so breathy and his voice was lowered and it was just uGH
you then coughed and immediately looked away
jin sighed and slowly reached his hand under your chin
he carefully and cautiously turned your face to him
without a word he delicately planted his lips onto yours
your eyes opened wide as his closed into the kiss
after a second or two your eyes closed as well and you reciprocated the kiss
he pulled away and looked into your eyes
“y/n i have to tell you something.”
you were still in shock of the kiss but his sentenced immediately brought you back
you turned your face and coughed, trying to remember how to breathe cuz apparently you forgot
“y-yeah what is it?”
you tried sounding as normal as possible
you failed
“i like you.”
your jaw dropped
“i know its really sudden but i really like you and i have for the past four years.”
“wait what? am i being pranked? theres no way. you were always so popular and come on you were a Gryffindor and you were always so flirty with everyone and-“
jin cut you off by laughing
you stared at him dumbfounded
“why are you laughing!?”
“y/n i was never flirty with anyone that wasn’t you, or my six other best friends, who are all male. i know you never noticed but i loved sending you winks and kissy faces because seeing your face redden and run away was just so cute. but i never confessed while i was still a student here. i was a coward.”
you finally eased and let out a chuckle yourself
“wow a cowardly gryffindor. who would’ve thought.”
jin let out a laugh as well and scratched the back of his neck
a nervous habit of his, you’ve noticed
“anyway, is there any way you could give this coward a chance as your boyfriend?”
your heart was beating hard as you smiled shyly
“after you let go of my wrist though.”
jin looked down and realized he had been holding on the your wrist this entire time
he blushed and let go
what a cutie!!
“wait im getting a chance!?”
you nodded and he smushed you in between his arms
once again
it felt right
you were both startled when you heard the doors slam open and in come three boys clapping and holding a big cake that read
which resulted in jin letting go of the hug and chasing after them
as jin was chasing taehyung and jimin, jungkook ran over to you and gave you a big hug
“so i see my plan worked!”
you pushed him off of you and glared at him
“what plan?”
“my plan to get you into the hospital wing ofc!”
“so you all got me bit by a baby dragon!?!”
and with that jungkook runs away as well
and like that had your life become even more eventful
ughhhhh idk how i feel about this but pls give me some feedback and  might post a namjoon one next depending on how i feel lol thanks for reading
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